Sunday, October 13, 2013

Research, Research, Research! (Week 6)

Hello Everyone,

I have spent the last six weeks doing research on the topic of Autism and which treatment methods work better when treating children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. I have found that research is easier as it goes, I have learned the different ways of finding appropriate books, articles, and journals that are not only academically acceptable but also fit within the scheme of my topic. Research is a process that one never really figures out because for every topic the amount of time spends on research is different.

As I have mentioned before I currently work as a Behavioral Tutor in which i help redirect and even diminish a child's maladaptive behaviors. This research process has allowed me to see the full spectrum of Autism Spectrum Disorder. What I have learned that was really interesting to me was the fact that many children with Autism also have other disorders, such as Mental Retardation and ADHD. In my line of work research becomes part of the job, with things in the world of psychology constantly changing it is best to keep up with the "new trends."

Research is fun to do even if you are not looking to write a paper. I do research all the time to find out new things about different disorders. I know that when using research for a paper, especially for school or work, it is best to site any information that one takes for the article or source.

Good Luck on your research ventures!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marco,

    I always enjoy reading your posts. Since we work in the same field, it is interesting to see what you have come up with research wise, as I am exploring the best methods to redirect challenging behavior. It is good to know that most individuals with Autism experience symptoms associated with other disorders. This implies that methods utilized with Autistic individuals are universal. I too am always doing research to keep up with the latest information and just recently found myself doing a search for social stories. Research in this line of work is never-ending. Best of luck in our final weeks.

    - Julia Jacobson
