Sunday, September 15, 2013

Is research as easy as it looks? (Week 2)

Hello my fellow bloggers!

                Today we are going to talk about research. My question to you, is research as easy as it looks? As we all know research involves dedication to searching for information on a specific topic you wish to know more about. But how do we know if the source is as reliable as they are? This is the very problem that I have when it comes to research for my topic about autism and the different techniques to handle children with autism. I spent countless hours finding different sources about the techniques, but when it comes to their credibility I am unsure of whether the source is “true”.  So I had to rethink my approach to research and found that when you research on Autism it is best to use key works. Instead of typing “techniques for children with autism,” I typed in “Autism techniques” and got more hits from more credible sources.

                Now that I have found a research strategy that seems to be working better, I have begun to learn a lot about autism and how the best way to get help with autistic children is through a tutor who is certified in ABA, applied behavioral analyst.  An ABA specialist is trained in different techniques of behavior, from how to prevent them to how to help diminish the behavior all together. They are trained to handle sever behaviors such as kicking, biting, and hitting. ABA specialists are also trained to help parents understand and develop programs of action to help their child transition in to normal society.

                Autism is a relatively new disorder that is becoming more public, but is still not fully understood. Autism is much greater than just kids with abnormal behaviors, Autism is children having a bright future. 

"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"
         -Albert Einstein 

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